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What we are all about!

Hi Everyone,

In case you are wondering a little more about Brandon’s Homes 4 Hope an who we are I thought I would do a quick write up for any new visitors. :-)

Brandon’s Homes 4 Hope was created in memory of my Big Brother. He means the world to us and when he went to be with Jesus, we knew immediately we wanted His Memory to live on and for God to be able to keep using His story. Even though he may not be physically here, we know spiritually he stays with us.

My Brother had a heart for Christ and loved Jesus. We decided to take his passion and love for helping people and to merge that with homes which is our specialty. Once this grounding was decided we got ourselves to work in thinking of our logo, marketing and building our website, research and more. Once we got this going we then worked on finding who and how to help individuals within our community. We wanted to know first hand how to help ones in need. People who may need home repairs and are unable to help themselves because of severe circumstances.

We are so Blessed to be able to have learned about different families and being able to have a hand in helping. We are looking forward to helping more families in the future and getting Brandon’s Homes 4 Hope name out into the public by more community involvement.

If you know anyone in need of home modifications or repairs because of unforeseen situations and someone extremely deserving feel free to reach out and we will review each case as it comes to see if we are able to help or not.



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Brandon's Homes 4 Hope

© 2022 by Brandon's Homes 4 Hope 

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