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Brandon's Homes 4 Hope is a non-profit charity created to help families in honor of a God loving, wonderful son and big brother. Brandon was not only the most wonderful son a mom could ever pray and hope for, he was a great big brother that was always there for his little sister. Brandon was a man that loved God with his whole heart and loved helping those that he came in contact with.
We hope as you visit this site that you will get to know a little more about this young man that in only 21 years was able to impact the lives of so many. Brandon's smile was contagious, his heart reflected the love of God and his daily life was an example of what loving each other should be.
As Brandon's Mom and Little Sister, we can't express enough our deep appreciation to each and everyone of you that have taken the time to visit this site. We hope that you will join this journey with us, helping one family at a time. Whether you want to join us by participating on a Charity Day or by making a donation; we truly appreciate your help.